Two girls named Carlee and Marlee crash parties and events for their news show, Trashin' Fashion, where they criticize people's outfits. Their ratings scale consists of "eww", "double eww" and "triple eww". The two also have a nerd fashion correspondent named Elroy Dinkman. The reason for this is because Carlee and Marlee see themselves as being very popular and well liked, so they of course love to diss the fashion of anyone they consider a loser. However Carlee, Marlee and Elroy all appear to be on the same level of popularity as all three of them are extremely unliked by their classmates and none of them is ever invited to a social event such as a birthday party.
Carlee: Played by Jamie Lynn Spears. A vain blonde with good fashion sense who co hosts the show. Like Marlee she uses the eww scale and enjoys making puns based on popular clothing brands.
Marlee: Played by Lisa Foiles. A vain redhead with good fashion sense who co-hosts the show. In one episode Carlee criticized a girl's outfit which turned out to be the same outfit Marlee was wearing that day.
Elroy Dinkman: Carlee and Marlee's nerd correspondent, played by Kyle Sullivan. An expert on nerd fashion. Two stereotypical jock bullies will usually interrupt his segment to torture him in some way. Carlee and Marlee like him.
Season | Episode | Musical/Special guest |
8 | Episode 3 | Yasmeen |
Episode 6 | 3LW | |
Episode 10 | Britney Spears/Justincase | |
9 | Episode 5 | Da Razkalz Cru |