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The Lox
  • Green Room: Two bullies show up in the Green Room and terrorize The Big Ear of Corn. After they also harass some of the cast, they call in Danny, lie that those bullies are friends, and have him make fun of them and beaten up in the hallway!
  • Detective Dan crashes Principal Pimpell's health class while Pimpell substitutes for Miss Fingerly. After Dan claims that the classroom is a bank being robbed, he orders his henchmen to dance with Principal Pimpell. Dan then takes off his coat to reveal a pink gown and claps two erasers to check for any fingerprints. Next, Dan removes the dress to show a bra on top and asks if a skeleton is the robber and breaks off its right arm. Finally, Dan has his henchmen knock him out through the window as Principal Pimpell keeps dancing.
  • Cheese Police: Officer Colby appears in Miss Fingerly's class (where she is late from a flat tire) to talk about the horrors of cheese addictions by showing a film that describes how it happened to a girl named Sally (Amanda). After that, he experiments with a mouse and discovers that Miss Fingerly has lots of cheese slices in her purse! As punishment, Miss Fingerly is taken to the Cheese Police Station.
  • Toby Brawn advertises The Brute, a big strong guy that can beat up anyone and anything! In once instance, he dresses up as a woman and goes on a date with Lester Oaks.
  • Life with Peter & Flem

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