This is All That Wiki

  • Green Room: Lori Beth Denberg has a heated argument with The Big Ear of Corn and ends their friendship. Luckily, Amanda Bynes makes Lori Beth want to make up with him by looking through a photo album of their good times together, which includes eating pizza in Italy, driving up to Carmel Beach, roasting marshmallows in Yellowstone National Park, winning the tennis championship in the Olympics, and celebrating The Big Ear of Corn's 10th birthday. After Amanda leaves, Lori Beth tearfully apologizes to The Big Ear of Corn and lets him go first to start the show.
  • Okrah in Secret Crushes: Miss Fingerly (who says hello to her students in the camera) and Tandy Spork fight over who gets to date Lester Oaks, Construction Worker (Kenan). In the end, Lester Oaks keeps whacking everyone with a long piece of construction wood, even knocking off Okrah's wig!
  • Vital Information with Lori Beth Denberg
  • USS Spaceship: While flying through space, the U.S.S. Spaceship crew encounters the ultra-greedy Piganoids, led by Swinestein (Tricia). She explains that they want to "hog" up the whole universe, despite Captain Tantrum's protest--"space is very...spacious!" The crew manages to turn the Piganoids' greed against them, though, when Ulcer sends over a giant missile with a bow on it. The Piganoids accept the gift, which the U.S.S. Spaceship crew energizes, sending bacon flying everywhere.
  • Ask Ashley
  • After being attacked by a huge spitball, Miss Fingerly introduces Musical guest: Monica – "For You I Will"

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