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  • Green Room: Since the cast is forbidden by Kevin from going out to eat, Amanda Bynes pours too many kernels into the popcorn machine, which fills the entire Green Room! After that, a popcorn shark arrives, making everyone panic.
  • The Adventures of Superdude: At a bank, the civilians can't tell the difference between Superdude (whom Mark changes into to break out of a safe and stop two robbers by throwing bags of money at them) and his evil "twin" (Amanda), who is also committing a robbery. Testing superpowers doesn't work--both Superdudes are super-strong (although the evil twin only struggles to tear a piece of paper in half)! To prove Superdude's allergy to dairy products, Sweaty Woman's pitcher of milk is tossed on the two, and only the real Superdude is knocked unconscious. Evil Superdude then tries to finish robbing the bank and stops to collect her free toaster (which comes with opening an account). Thankfully, the Sweaty Woman has a blow dryer, and the civilians dry off Superdude, who uses his magnetic butt to attract the toaster, catch the fake, and have her sent to jail.
  • Vital Information with Lori Beth Denberg
  • Family vs. Family (The Kopelows vs. the Maroons): The Maroons go against the Kopelows, who are named after stage manager Kevin Kopelow, in this game show, which is hosted by Milton Querie (Kenan). Since the Kopelows (Sanford, Marlene, Greg, Eva, and, of course, Kevin) had appeared on the previous episode, Milton interviews the Maroons, who reply in crazy ways - Grover only says his name, Fern (Lori Beth) screams loudly, Emily (Josh) simply giggles, Chuck (Alisa) hits Milton over the head with her microphone, and Lump (Kel) yells his usual word, "JUPITER!". After Milton explains the rules and reveals the categories, the Maroons harshly knock the Kopelows to the ground and punch them. Sanford and Marlene then angrily announce that they are leaving with their children, after which Milton declares the Maroons to be the winners. As he tries to start the Lightning Round, Lump freaks out and starts running away from him in circles. Finally, after breaking through the category board and bumping into one of the cameras, Lump walks next to Milton and gets every obviously easy question wrong by simply yelling his catchphrase. On the last question, which does have Jupiter as its correct answer, Lump hesitates until after time runs out. Lastly, Milton signs off as the Maroons fool around some more.
  • Everyday French with Pierre Escargot
  • The students can't understand Miss Fingerly when she gets a tooth pulled. She even writes in gibberish and, for some unknown reason, brings a boy (Josh) up front. Next, another boy throws his Frisbee at her, so she throws it out through the window, accidentally hitting Coach Kreeton, too. Finally, as the window smashes her hand, the students leave to escape hearing her blabber.
  • USS Spaceship intro Musical Guest: Az Yet – "Hard To Say I'm Sorry"

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Dr. Joyce Brothers/Sherman Hemsley/Heavy D. Aaliyah