All That is a American live-action, sketch comedy-variety show created by Brian Robbins and Mike Tollins that aired on Nickelodeon. The show premiered on April 16, 1994 and was cancelled on October 22, 2005, after airing a total of 10 seasons. The series has not only become a fixture for children's television on Nickelodeon but has also spawned several spin-offs for several cast members on the show, a feature film, books, and more.
In February 2019, it was announced by co-creator Brian Robbins, who is currently the President of Nickelodeon that "All That" would be returning with a new cast of kids in season 1 revival, along with original cast members also making guest appearances on the show. It was also announced that former cast members Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell would become executive producers on the show. Production of the show would be suspended in 2020 due to COVID-19, with no indication of when or if production would resume, even with several cast members such as Gabrielle Nevaeh Green, and Kate Godfrey moving on to other productions.
Kids, teenagers and young adults do comedic sketches and have weekly musical guest stars in this format of Saturday Night Live.
- All That: The Album
- All That: Fresh Out the Box
Spin-offs and film[]
- The Amanda Show
- Kenan & Kel
- Action League Now!
- Zoey 101
- The Nick Cannon Show
- Just Jordan
- Good Burger